Tuesday, 15 April 2014

37. Photographer i emailed and their response - Geoff Simpson

For my final report for professional skills i emailed a number of photographers which specialise in Wildlife Photography. One of the photographers name is Geoff Simpson.
Below it will give you a link to his web page, information about him and the questions and response i received.

This is his website 


Who's is Geoff Simpson..... 

Geoff Simpson lives near Northumbria which allows him to be never away from Nature which is great as a wildlife photographer. As a youngster he liked starfish, bull heads and elvers, this has carried on into his adult life.
Geoff is a generalist photographer who is happy photographing almost anything. He is specialise in landscapes and nature photography of the peak district national park, many of his images have become iconic, his photos have been copies thousand of time.
Some of his work is pictured below, his work is beautiful, eye capturing and interesting to look at.

All photos above belong to Geoff Simpson

I emailed Geoff Simpson because i wanted him to be based in y report because i am fascinated by his work he has produced. Also because i have written the report on a photography career that i am really interested in and want to do for my future career, i though it would be good to get a view by another photographer in today's line of work and how they find it within the working industry. 

This is what i asked him and this his his response 

Photographer Geoff Simpson

1)   How did you become a wildlife photographer?
A- had taken lots of decent images prior to going full time

2)   What do you look for when creating your images?
A- light, evocative quality and most importantly uniqueness

3)   What equipment do you use?
A– canon throughout 1Dx, 5D Mkll and 7D-17mm TS-E lens through to 600mm prime lens

4)   Do you always use a tripod?
A- no not always I use the image-stabilising feature on lenses more so if I’m looking to create arty images

5)   What specific area of wildlife photography do you pay most attention in and why?
A- Wide angle the subject within the context of its ecosystem/environment

6)   Would you suggest that wildlife photography is a good career to follow?
A- No! If I did not have a luxury showroom gallery you simply cannot make enough to have a great standard of living.. you need to do workshops, tours etc to make money.

7)   As an amateur photographer, how would you suggest I go about getting my work published?
A- Today, its easy just as long as its free, that said it completely the wrong model. Gallery and tours is the way forward when one considers that Getty has decided to make 3.5 million FOC.

8) What advice would you give someone who is interested becoming a wildlife photographer?
A- don’t follow the crowd, it’s a road to financial failure and above all be yourself, be unique.

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