Tuesday, 15 April 2014

31. Journals

Aperture - Journal

Pages - 74-81

Looking in this journal i found that it was a great journal to read but i was mostly interested in where they pages 74-81.
I found these pages related to my topic that i am basing my final report on due to them being about wildlife. There a significant amount of photos in the article to do with elephants.
The article is about a photographer documenting the life of elephants in central Africa.

The article is basically telling you about a photographers experience when watching these magnificent animals throughout his camera lens. Taking and searching for images which show who the elephants are and how they live.

Some of the pictures are sad to look at for example page 76 where the elephants face has been destroyed. It makes it more realistic that these animals are being hunted for their tusks.

I find this article to be interesting to read and look at.

Professional Photographer - journal 

pages - 72-77, 85-91

This Journal is good to look at when interested in photography, this is because it is all based upon photography
The pages which are written above are the ones that stood out when i was looking through the journal, they are both to do with wildlife photography.

Two different views on wildlife photography..

Pages 72-77 are about 'more than human', it is based on someone spending time with photographer Tim Flach and seeing whats behind the idea of his book 'more than human'. It more of an onsite into his world.

Pages 85-91 are about, another photographer Steve Bloom and about his wildlife photographs, it talks about how his photography is changing...

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