The one thing that many up coming photographers and what i hate is pricing and the cost of your work. You have to remember that you are actually making a living and need to keep it at a price that overtime you can live off, as this could be you households income.
When producing work you always aim to produce the best quality and original work because you want to be notices and this is what you have to remember when valuing your work, remember the quality and distinctiveness reputation.
Making a Profit
Is it profitable ?
Below are some pointers on how to make sure your work is set at the reasonable profitable price when starting a photography business.
- Known your market - the average amount of photographers in your area and evaluate their services, quality and make sure your work will fit in, seen as though their is not point in setting up where someone else is doing the same thing.
- known your client - More cost means higher quality work, determine what your clients want as some do not have the funds to pay for expensive photo-shoots.
- Evaluate your Investment - How much time you put into a hoot determines on the price of it, i.e. a wedding their is prepping, the shoot and editing after, so you want to make a profit. Are you getting paid by the hour or overall
- Your expense - Make sure you know what you are spending and the cost of everything. Keep in mind cost of equipment, time, presentation/packaging, and insurance.
- Establish your job - Total your hourly rate and expenses. Make sure you cover for the entire year of jobs and other expenses.
Pricing and cost of photography might be expensive but if you have regular amount of money that you are happy with when receiving for the year, just make sure that you are putting in the hours for you to get a decent profit of money.
Copyright is a legal documents that states that the original work by someone is theirs work exclusive and that all rights to that photograph belong to them and no one else. They have the right to the distribution - for a limited time but they still give the creator compensation.
So basically copyright is just a bigger name for owning something, and having the privilege to say that it is their work and not someone else, also it stops others from copying your work.
When does it arise
This is something that will appear straight away when your work qualifies for protection, making sure it is original and that it actually originated for the creator and not someone else trying to pull it off as their own. It is the expression of the idea that is protected and not the idea itself. You cannot stop people from borrowing the idea but something very similar to the copyrighted idea can not be copyrighted.
Owning Copyright and Joint ownership.
When being self employed The owner of the copyright is the person who created it for example the photographer, but when being employed the copyright goes to the employer as it is their name/company that is paying you to photograph and produce a certain amount of imagery for them.
Owning copyright is starting to be more and more popular in today's society as more and more work is being produced and people are starting to pick up on other producing work extremely similar to their and they are actually going to court over it, so copy righting is so intense but certainly important.
You can share ownership of the copy right due to the fact if you cannot be sure who played the important role when producing the photographs that you can share the ownership of the image as more than one person inputted into it. This means that you cannot legally license the work without the other consent, as you both own the work.
Rights to copyright
Having copyright gives the owner the the right too. also the photographer is given moral rights that allows them to associated as the owner of that piece of work.
- copy the work
- distribute copies
- rent or lend it out
- communicate it to the public
- adapt it
How long Copyright last for
Whats great about copyright is that copyright will last for 70 years after your death, making sure that it is well documented that you are the owner ad your work lives on.
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